You Cannot Think Yourself Out of Anxiety

There are many options to manage anxiety and you may have tried a many of them. Hypnosis is effective in creating permanent changes because it not only deals with past causes but also the structure that has allowed this state of mind to persist, as well as building a foundation for you to be successful into the future. When the full spectrum of these components is addressed, we create success. Your Anxiety Antidote sessions takes you through a process so that you can:
- increase your belief that you can be successful
- believe these changes are sustainable
- successfully detach from worry, fear and anxiety
- participate more fully in life
- strengthen your confidence
- be more at ease in challenging situationsÂ
- know that you have everything you need in any given moment to be successful.Â
Fear is an illusion of the mind--break through it today with the Anxiety Antidote sessions. Make your first appointment here:

Anxiety Antidote
It seems in our world today, we have come to accept that anxiety is a normal state and there is very little we can do about it. Stress and worry are programs that can be changed! We only have to look at the natural world to know that ease and resilience are the actual state we are meant to be in most of the time!Â
How would it feel to be able to move out of anxiety and into ease and resilience? How would it feel to know that you have the capacity to do this? How would it feel to know that you can bounce back from all that life brings your way? How would it feel to access your natural state of being? The only thing keeping you from expereiencing this is updated information.
You can however feel into a new experience! Anxiety management implies that anxiety never goes away. You can only manage something if it's actually there. Â In order to effectively deal with anxiety, there are many things we can do to postively move out of one state and into another. Life is going to deal out challenges--that we know. How we respond to these challenges lies within our power to choose. When we have the proper information on how our system works, then we feel more empowered to choose ease and resilience so we can move beyond the challenge in the most effective and effcient way possible. By doing so, we learn that fear and worry are temporary states; one option on the emotional spectrum of many different options.Â
When life deals us lemons, we can only make lemonade when we know what ingredients to use and the process to follow. Working with me in the course of your Anxiety Antidote sessions will give you both the tools and the process to be successful. These sessions are also recommended for fears and phobias such as fear of flying, heights, driving, among others.  These sessions are also beneficial for  all things connected to performance improvement.Â
The Process:
- Once you decide that this is a good fit for you, the next step is to choose your  first appointment. Please take a moment to really feel the significance of this step. You are choosing to have agency over your experience. It is the first recognition of the power you have to create a different experience for yourself. It is no small thing. You may book your appointment directly online  using the booking button below or you can reach out via phone or text at 952-222-3975. You may also schedulde a consultation in this way if you choose to do so.Â
- After your appointment is confirmed, you will be sent paperwork that needs to be filled out electronically and submitted back. This paperwork helps me get an idea of your needs so I can already begin thinking about the session. The change already starts to take place even before you get to the office.
- All sessions are scheduled for 2 hours. The first half of the session is conversational where we take a deep dive into your specific needs and wants. The second half of the session is done in hypnosis and that part is recorded. You receive that recording as an mp3 file that you may or may not choose to listen to at a later date. I find it a good resource for people to have so I always send it as it reinforces all the beneficial suggestions provided to you.Â
- We will be identifying markers of success for each session so you have a way of noticing what is improving and where to dial it for your next session. You may be given action steps to take in between sessions. If so, it is important for your improvement to follow the actionables.Â
- After your sessions are complete, you may be ready to simply move on with your life having learned new skills and tools--ready to get on with your new way of being, ready to discover more of who your are and enjoying the higher degree of success you create for yourself!Â
- If you decide that you would benefit for more sessions, we can discuss that at your fourth session. Please remember, it took a process to get you here; it's going to take a process to get you somewhere else as well. I am committed to supporting you in your success.Â
Your sessions are always client centered. That means that the focus is on your specific needs. The structure of the session is the same for everyone but the content is dependent on what is unique about your situation. During our sessions, you can expect the following to be addressed in some way:
- How the mind creates illusions to perpetuate habits it has identified as being "beneficial"
- Self care needs
- Understanding the biological imperative
- Creating the structure for a new experience
- Learning to trust yourself
- Giving up the need to do things perfectlyÂ
- What you need to understand about anxiety and the body
- What to do about anxious feelings when they are noticed
Whatever else comes up in our conversation will be addressed but these are typically the cornerstones for moving forward.Â
The Anxiety Antidote is comprised of 3, 5 or 10 sessions scheduled for 2 hours each. The corresponding package pricing  is $697.00, $997.00 or $1897. Typically, the five session package is most common.  The three sessions will give you a good foundation from which to move forward. Ten sessions provide a structure of committment to accompany you through sustainable change.Â
Kelli deeply understands how change can be scary. She also understands that oftentimes what is missing is the right information. Information allows you to have awareness. From there, the formula is pretty simple: awareness and action moves you forward. When you do the thing that scares you, you instanteously transform! The right information makes it easier to do the thing that is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Having someone support you on your path to feeling better about you is ultimately going to change the relationship you have with yourself and how you show up in life. There are things within your power that you can do to feel better. Right now is the only time you have to feel anything. So what needs to happen for you to start feeling better about you, now?Â

Anxiety is not something that you simply must accept. When approached with good information and holistically, you can experience improvement. It doesn't happen all at once, but there is hope. I cannot guarantee that you will never experience anxiety again, but you can recognize what is happening in your body and in your mind and choose something different.Â
You always have other options.Â
How this works