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What do you do when everything you’ve been taught about being happy doesn’t work?
I Thrive
Stress into Calm
Inner Superhero
Welcome Relaxation
Mental Housecleaning
Sleep Well
Redefining Happiness is an opportunity to contemplate your definition of happiness based on your values and terms. It is a look back at my own struggle with a lack of happiness and,
offers you ways to create happiness wherever you are on your journey. Most importantly, the book poses important questions for you to consider what happiness means to you and how you approach the concept of happiness altogether.
This book offers a guide for you to experience a higher degree of freedom in defining your own happiness, based on the experience I had making the choice to become a participant in my own life.
Perhaps the most important thing this book offers is the questions that it poses so that you too can become a more engaged participant in your own journey, more clearly define what a happy life looks like to you, and cultivate the willingness to create it in ways that feel right and authentic to you and the people most important to you.
Most people start off with the intention of staying married.
At some point, the honeymoon is over, and life sets in. Left to our own devices, we pull from our memory banks what we believe is the correct way to be married.
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Marriage, however, needs a different kind of commitment. It demands that we see our spouse as an individual, someone with their own needs, desires and wants, cares, and concerns.This workbook could be thought of as “Marriage 101.” It presents, in an orderly manner, how to grow the committed relationship deeper than the romantic beginning. Romance is wonderful—fabulous even—but what about the many years later? What is the secret of making the relationship even better after the romance begins to fade? The work of love is what this workbook describes, along with the how-to steps that have proven so helpful for other couples.